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We are pleased to inform you that the Limited Liability Company SAMOTEX OOD is implementing a project under Administrative Grant Agreement No. BG16RFOP002-2.024-0222, Project title: “Promoting Entrepreneurship at the Company SAMOTEX OOD”, Procedure BG16RFOP002-2.024 “Promoting Entrepreneurship”, Operational Programme “Innovations and Competitiveness” 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
The total cost of the Project is in the amount of BGN 248 101.00, of which BGN 168 708.68 European and BGN 29 772.12 national co-financing.


“SAMOTEX” OOD is a Limited Liability Company established in 2017 specialized mainly in the Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel.

The main goal of this Project is to ensure a sustainable and competitive development of the enterprise through the realization on the market of an entrepreneurial idea falling into the sectors of the National Strategy for the Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises identified as a priority for the creation and development of new enterprises, namely: Manufacture of pillowcases for travel pillows, as an economic activity falling within the scope of Sector 13.92. Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel.

The realization of the entrepreneurial idea will have a direct positive social and environmental impact, as it is also consistent with the thematic areas of the New technologies in the creative and recreational industries of the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization.

The realization of the Project will be achieved through the implementation of the following set of activities:

Activity 1: Activity associated with the realization on the market of an entrepreneurial idea within which:

• a team of qualified staff necessary to the realization of the entrepreneurial idea will be formed;
• investments in Fixed Tangible Assets will be made thus creating the technological prerequisites necessary to the realization of the entrepreneurial idea;
• a working premise will be rented
• a Website of the Applicant will be created in order to promote the entrepreneurial idea and support its realization on the market;
• a market analysis and a marketing plan will be developed for the market realization, thus creating prerequisites for the successful market realization as a source of expert information on the appropriate and market-specific actions in this process.

Activity 2: Project visualization as a result of which publicity and visualization of the Project will be ensured.

The main (general) goal of this Project is:

To ensure a sustainable and competitive development of the enterprise through the realization on the market of an entrepreneurial idea falling into the sectors of the National Strategy for the Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises identified as a priority for the creation and development of new enterprises, namely: Manufacture of pillowcases for travel pillows, as an economic activity falling within the scope of Sector 13.92. Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel.

The Specific Goals of this Project leading to the achievement of its main (general) objective are:

Specific Goal 1: To form a team of qualified staff, necessary to the realization of the entrepreneurial idea – subject matter of the Project;
Specific Goal 2: To provide the prerequisites necessary for carrying out the production activity for the implementation of the product, subject matter of the Project, by providing a working premise, thus creating the conditions for the commissioning of the Fixed Tangible Assets planned for purchase and work of the qualified staff
Specific Goal 3: To create the technological prerequisites necessary to the successful realization on the market of the entrepreneurial idea through the implementation of investments in Fixed Tangible Assets
Specific Goal 4: To provide the prerequisites necessary for the successful realization on the market and the effective promotion of the entrepreneurial idea by developing a market analysis and a marketing plan for its marketing realization and creating a Website of the Applicant.
Specific Goal 5: To ensure publicity and visualization of the Project.


Results expected from the implementation of the Activity associated with the realization on the market of the entrepreneurial idea (Products)
(This Activity will be implemented by hiring of qualified staff – 6 Experts; by purchasing of Fixed Tangible Assets; by outsourcing services: to create a Website of the Applicant and to develop a market analysis and a marketing plan for the marketing realization of the entrepreneurial idea and the rented working premise)
/Part 1 and Part 2/:

• 1x Plan for the procedures for selection of contractors will be agreed within the Project;
• 1x Procedure for the selection of a Contractor will be conducted with a public call under the procedure of the Law on European Structural and Investment Funds Management/Decree of the Council of Ministers No. 160 on the selection of supplier of Fixed Tangible Assets ;
• 1x Contract will be signed with the selected supplier of Fixed Tangible Assets;
• Fixed Tangible Assets will be delivered and put into operation as follows:
• Automatic programmable pattern sewing machine with laser cut – 1 Pce.
• Automatic programmable pattern sewing machine – 1 Pce.
• Cutting robot – 1 Pce.
• Automatic double-needle straight stitch machine with needle disconnection – 1 Pce.
• Double-needle zipper sewing machine – 2 Pcs.
• Automated single-needle straight stitch sewing machine – 2 Pcs.
• 1x Protocol for the delivery and acceptance will be signed
• Technological prerequisites necessary for the production and marketing of the entrepreneurial idea will be created
• Technological prerequisites necessary for the sustainable development of the entrepreneurial idea will be created
• Selection procedure will be conducted by collecting not less than 2 tender offers –
• 1x For the selection of a Contractor to perform outsourced services associated with the development of market analysis and marketing plan for market realization of the entrepreneurial idea
• 1x For the selection of a Contractor to create a Website of the Applicant
• 1 x For the rental of a working premise
• 3 x Contractors will be selected for the provision of outsourced services and rental of a working premise
• 1 x Market analysis and marketing plan for the realization on the market of the entrepreneurial idea will be prepared, a Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance will be signed for the services and prerequisites will be created for the successful realization on the market of the entrepreneurial idea as a result of the outsourced services performed;
• 1x Website of the Applicant will be created, a Protocol of delivery and acceptance will be signed for the services, prerequisites will be created for the successful realization on the market of the entrepreneurial idea and its effective promotion on the target market, incl. positive social impact;
• A contract will be signed for the rental of a working premise and conditions will be created for commissioning of the Fixed Tangible Assets planned for purchase and work of the qualified staff – 9 months within the Project implementation period.

• A procedure will be conducted for the selection of staff with a view to the planned recruitment of staff as part of the additional qualified staff – 3 people
• Qualified staff will be employed under a Contract of Employment – 6 people
• A qualified expert capacity will be provided for the realization on the market of the entrepreneurial idea in charge with the overall production activity on the implementation of the PI
• An Entrepreneurial idea will be implemented on the market and its sustainable development will be ensured, incl. competitive and sustainable development of the Applicant-Company in the long run.

Results expected from the implementation of the Activity associated with the Project Visualization (this Activity will be implemented by purchasing 2x signs and 16x stickers):

• 1 x Procedure will be conducted for the selection of a contractor by the Beneficiary under the procedure of the Law on European Structural and Investment Funds Management and the Guidelines of the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme “Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 – by collecting not less than 2 comparable tender offers;

• 1 x Contractor will be selected;

• Information and publicity measures will be provided in accordance with the applicable requirements and guidelines for the application of the rules for information and communication 2014-2020

• Measures for information and communication will be observed when creating the Website of the Applicant, which creation is planned within the implementation of this Project;

• 2 x Posters with information about the Project will be prepared and placed (with a minimum size of A3) in a place visible to the public, in compliance with the applicable requirements for information and communication;

• EU contribution, OP funding and ERDF support will be mentioned on each document related to the Project implementation;

• 16 x information stickers will be prepared and placed on all Fixed Tangible Assets purchased under the Project in compliance with the requirements for information and publicity.